Translator credits

Fr 17 Okt, 2008; by torstenr - Translation

On this page we want to give credit to everyone who has contributed to the many translations we had in the past and still have. I hope I haven't forgotten a translator... If the language is supported with your current installation of the release, please have a look to the release translation matrix!

Thanks everybody!

Nr. LCID / folder name Language Translator(s)
1. en-US (default)  English Developer Team: Dare Obasanjo, Torsten Rendelmann
2. de  German Torsten Rendelmann
3. pl  Polish Andrzej Lichnerowicz; Michal Chaniewski; Aggie Sosna (Piotr Czerski, Rel.1.2.x)
4. fr  French Arnaud (; fixes provided by Sylvain Fatome; Fabien Majurel; Yann Schwartz (Nicolas Antoine; Yop Pouet, Rel.1.2.x)
5. pt-BR  Portuguese, Brazil Luciano Evaristo Guerche
6. ru  Russian Oleg Tkachenko
7. ch-CHS  Chinese, simplified reonlyrun; Ronghua Chen (Ryan Ma, Rel. 1.2.x)
8. ch-CHT  Chinese, traditional 文孝義 Jack Wen
9. hi  Hindi Munish Gupta
10. ja  Japanese Yoshihiro Kawabata (河端善博)
11. tr  Turkish Osman Karatemiz; Aziz Uysal
12. nl-NL  Dutch Flex Desaubin
13. sr-SP-Cyrl sr-SP-Cyrl, Serbian cyril  Serbian, cyrillic Danijel Kecman
14. sr-SP-Latn sr-SP-Latn, Serbian Latin Serbian, latin Danijel Kecman
15. it  Italian Carlo Folini
16. es  Spanish Jacobo Amselem
17. ko   Korean John Roh ( 無所不爲 )
18. bg  Bulgarian Yulian Yordanov; Zdravko Tashev

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